Field of Lilies

Field of Lilies
Field of Lilies
Field of Lilies
Field of Lilies
Field of Lilies
Field of Lilies
Field of Lilies
Field of Lilies

We ship all paintings world-wide, free of charge. We are partnered with major carriers like DHL, UPS, and FedEx.

Due to the hand-painting and drying process, all orders are processed within 10 business days. And the average shipping times range between 4 and 10 business days:

US, CA: 4-5 business days

AU, NZ: 7 business days

EU: 4 business days

Rest of the world: 7 business days

The total delivery time from the moment you place your order until the package is delivered to your door is normally between three to four weeks.

To make shipping worldwide possible, all paintings are shipped as a carefully rolled up canvas, placed in a protective tube. For any other questions please contact us on

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Get a full refund or a painting re-do if you find that your art piece didn't meet your expectations, or you were anyhow dissatisfied with it.

Field of Lilies

Regular price $1,060.00 Sale price $529.00
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in cm
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Immerse yourself in the calming grace of "Field of Lilies." This stunning artwork showcases a beautiful array of white lilies, perfect for creating a peaceful and elegant atmosphere in your home.

  • Hand painted by artists
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Free worldwide shipping
  • Love it or return it

We ship all paintings world-wide, free of charge. We are partnered with major carriers like DHL, UPS, and FedEx.

Due to the hand-painting and drying process, all orders are processed within 10 business days. And the average shipping times range between 4 and 10 business days:

US, CA: 4-5 business days

AU, NZ: 7 business days

EU: 4 business days

Rest of the world: 7 business days

The total delivery time from the moment you place your order until the package is delivered to your door is normally between three to four weeks.

To make shipping worldwide possible, all paintings are shipped as a carefully rolled up canvas, placed in a protective tube. For any other questions please contact us on

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Get a full refund or a painting re-do if you find that your art piece didn't meet your expectations, or you were anyhow dissatisfied with it.